ARGH. My laptop's taken a dump on me and I've had to send it out for repairs. Luckily it's covered under some recall and I pay nothing. Gottems!
So today is September 11, 2008.
It's been seven years since the tragedy in New York City. I remember exactly what I was doing that day and thinking to myself that the world would never be the same again. I remember my alarm clock ringing and I automatically turned my TV on so I don't fall back to sleep. In the morning, I watch Good Day LA on Fox because it's very light-hearted and funny - just what I need to get my day started. What I saw next definitely woke me up - the second plane hits the second tower and causes a massive explosion. I remember thinking, "the twin towers?!", and then another report of yet ANOTHER plane crashing into The Pentagon in DC. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?? "
At first, I thought it was a movie trailer but when they went back to news anchor Steve Edwards, his face was all business. He, along with the rest of the country, watched in disbelief and fear and confusion as to what was going on in front of our eyes, and more importantly on our own soil. Our attitude of invincibility was crushed as we saw the towers go down in a cloud of ash and debris. We were not ready for this. I don't think anyone was ready for anything of this magnitude. It was a harsh reality check, that we are human and our lives can be taken away in the blink of an eye. And that is something we will never forget.
I was also worried about my family in NYC - my uncle and aunt work within 10 blocks of Ground Zero and I remember them telling me that they had to walk home that day and it took them about 7+ hours on foot. Luckily they were all okay, but the city was in ruin.
So, how about you? What were you doing on September 11, 2001?
I'd appreciate input, share your thoughts with me.
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